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Fresh New Voices From Fringe

Monday 30th September 2013

We made a fantastic trip to Edinburgh Fringe this summer and we're pleased to announce that we made some friends and brought them back.

Our first two newbies are Tom and Andrew. Both are part of sketch comedy act The GrandeesTOM TURNER has a rich, luxurious resonance with friendly, highly commercial tones.
ANDREW MUDIE has a cool young vibe to spice up your script. He's versatile with fantastic characters and accents.

The next two on the list are both international voices as well as very funny stand ups. RIA LINA is a cool American with a smooth comedic twist. She also lives in Covent Garden which is great for last minute jobs. Check out her official site.
RHYS MATHEWSON is a fresh, friendly young Kiwi, and the first New Zealander we've had on our books for fourteen years! Watch him at work.

Fresh New Voices From Fringe
Meet the new guys...
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