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Sophie Langham

Clear and Concise Native Londoner with Cutting Edge Tones. A Wide Range of Character Voices. 6-86
About Sophie
Sophie is also a fantastic singer. You may recognise Sophie from 'Eastenders', in which she played the character 'Binnie'.
Sophie's Credits
Jonathan Creek
Holby City
Mile High
The Bill
audio showreels
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Commercial Showreel
Style: Showreel
Accent: Various
Comedy Reel
Style: Comedy, Character
Accent: Various
Games Showreel
Style: Game,Acting, Showreel, Character
Accent: American, London, RP ('Received Pronunciation'), Straight
Singing Showreel
Style: Singing
Accent: Straight
More Clips
Weymouth Olympics
Style: Commercial, Informative, Bright, Genuine
Accent: London, Straight
Counting Song
Style: Singing, Kids, Sweet, Encouraging
Accent: Straight
ABC Song
Style: Singing, Children's Song
Accent: Straight
Number Song
Style: Singing, Straight, Educational
Accent: Straight
Do Your Ears Hang Low
Style: Singing, Nursery Rhyme, Kids
Accent: RP ('Received Pronunciation')
It's The Sun
Style: Singing, Children's Song, Sweet
Accent: RP ('Received Pronunciation')
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Style: Singing, Children's Song, Sweet
Accent: RP ('Received Pronunciation')
Round & Round The Garden
Style: Singing, Children's Song
Accent: RP ('Received Pronunciation')
Opposites Song
Style: Singing, Children's Song
Accent: RP ('Received Pronunciation')
Cookie Jar
Style: Animation, Singing, Kid, Child, Boy, Character, Cute, Sweet, Fun
Accent: Straight
Olympic Route Network Explained
Style: Commercial, Genuine, Cheerful, Informaive
Accent: London, Straight
Style: Commercial, Light, Friendly, Endline
Accent: Straight
Style: Character, Chatty, Little Girl, Matter of Fact
Accent: Straight
Style: Character, Evil, Old, Sinister
Accent: Straight
Style: Character, Accent, Rambling, Conversational
Accent: Cockney
It's Off
Style: Character, Nouveau Riche, Snob
Accent: Essex
Hi There
Style: Character, Kids, Warm, Friendly, Upbeat
Accent: Straight
Excited Child
Style: Character, Friendly, Enthusiastic
Accent: Straight
Style: Character, Miserable, Slow, Nerdy
Accent: London
Number Time - Child
Style: Character, Friendly, Happy, Kids
Accent: Straight
Old Actress
Style: Character, Drunk, Reminiscing
Accent: RP ('Received Pronunciation')
Style: Character, Weird, Comedy, Creepy
Accent: Straight
Born here
Style: Character, Bored, Dumb
Accent: Southern American
Student OTT
Style: Character, Annoying, Conversational, Gossip
Accent: Posh
Teen Attitude
Style: Character, Cool, Street
Accent: London
Style: Commercial, Upbeat, Young
Accent: Straight
Style: Commercial, Chatty, Informative
Accent: London, Straight
Style: Commercial, Young, Upbeat
Accent: London, Straight
Brighton University
Style: Commercial, Natural, Warm
Accent: London
Fit ness
Style: Commercial, Friendly, Informative
Accent: London, Straight
Style: Commercial, Friendly, Smooth
Accent: Bow, London
Lip Coat
Style: Commercial, Funky, Upbeat
Accent: Bow, London
Matalan Boxers
Style: Commercial, Endline, Bright, Trustworthy, Warm
Accent: Straight
Crime Game
Style: Game, Passer By, Hooker, Scared, Screaming
Accent: American, New York
Kids Adventure
Style: Game, Princess, Goblin, Witch, Soft
Accent: American, RP ('Received Pronunciation')
Quiz Game
Style: Game, Gameshow Assistant, Informative, Bright
Accent: Straight
Sleuth Game
Style: Game, Acting, Nervous, Panicked
Accent: RP ('Received Pronunciation')
Teen Game
Style: Game, Upbeat, Excited, Shopping, Teen
Accent: American
War Game
Style: Game, Warning, Robot, Friendly
Accent: RP ('Received Pronunciation')
Matalan Boards
Style: Commercial, Endline, Bright, Friendly, Natural
Accent: Straight
video showreels

