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Christopher Ragland

Young, Fresh, Vibrant American with a Great Range 20 - 40
About Christopher
Everything from a DEEP South Jack Daniels Commercial to a HIGH School Musical Promo.
Christopher's Credits
Syfy Channel, Persil, Black and Decker, Calm, Discovery Channel, Hasbro
Iron Man/Modok/Kid Colt in LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2
Jacob Rivers in Terminator: Resistance
Irving in The Suicide of Rachel Foster
And did voices for Horizon: Zero Dawn, Star Wars: Battlefront 2, LEGO The Incredibles, Battlefield 1, and many others
Percy/ Troublesome Trucks in Thomas & Friends
Rhino in Incredible Ant
Wilfried the White/ Lance/ The Black Rats/ Kurt and others in My Knight and Me
Morel/Fung/ Puff/ Sumush in Mush-Mush and the Mushables

audio showreels
video showreels